Papers can be either related to the CHiME-7 challenges or to the workshop’s theme, Speech Processing in Everyday Environments. The proceedings will be published in the ISCA archive (TBC), registered (ISBN), and indexed (by Thomson-Reuters and Elsevier).
Submission can be made in the CMT conference system.
Author kit
Please use the provided Interspeech 2022 LaTeX author kit for all submissions. Note that we are using the 2022 Interspeech author kit to keep review single-blind, while Interspeech 2023 switched to double-blind review.
Regular papers
- Papers not related to challenge entries (4 pages of content + 1 page of references) will be reviewed for novelty and quality. Authors will be notified by 13th July.
- The submission deadline is 16th June 11:59pm anywhere on earth (AOE).
- Camera-ready versions (4 to 6 pages) of accepted papers will be due on 29th September.
CHiME-7 challenge papers
- Submission will take the form of 2-page extended abstracts (references can extend onto a third page). Full papers (2 to 6 pages) will be due after the workshop.
- The submission deadline for challenge Task 2 (UDASE) papers is 16th June 11:59pm anywhere on earth (AOE).
- The submission deadline for challenge Task 1 (DASR) papers is 17th July 11:59pm anywhere on earth (AOE).
- Submission to the challenge should focus on providing a technical description of the system and the corresponding results. Please check that your abstract clearly reports results using the official challenge rules. Additional results are also welcome.
- Participants in Task 1 (DASR) must submit ASR transcripts corresponding to their official results for both development and evaluation data (details TBD)
- All challenge participants are expected to present a talk or a poster at the workshop.
- Abstracts will be reviewed to ensure that the challenge rules are met and that sufficient information is provided about the proposed system. Full papers (2 to 6 pages) will be due after the workshop and published in the workshop proceedings, provided that the review comments have been addressed.