Important dates

All deadlines are intended to be 11:59pm anywhere on earth (AoE).

Schedule for CHiME-8

1 Feb 2024 Challenge opening
20 March 2024 Deadline for proposing new external datasets and models for Tasks 1 and 2
1 June 2024 NOTSOFAR1 Development set ground truth release (must use the leaderboard in the meantime)
28 June 2024 Regular (non-challenge) paper submission deadline
1 July 2024 Evaluation data release for Tasks 1 and 2
17 July 2024 Challenge submission deadline (all tasks)
30 Jul 2024 Author notifications
6 Sep 2024 CHiME 2024, an Interspeech satellite workshop, Kipriotis Hotels & Conference Center
2 Oct 2024 Camera-ready submissions of accepted papers

Schedule for CHiME-9

6 Sept 2024 Pitching session at the CHiME 2024 workshop to refine ideas and gather support
25 Oct 2024 Submission of task proposals
8 Nov 2024 Feedback from Steering Group
22 Nov 2024 Resubmission of conditionally accepted proposals
4 Dec 2024 Notification of acceptance
Dec-July Challenge preparation (Data collection, baseline, and rules preparation, etc.)
1 July 2025 Challenge opening
7 Feb 2026 Challenge submission deadline (date and details TBC)
3 May 2026 CHiME 2026, an ICASSP satellite workshop (date and details TBC)