
Participants are asked to submit a system description and their recognition transcripts for the development and evaluation test sets. Instructions are as follows.

1. Submitting the system description

Challenge entrants should submit a 2 page extended abstract including a technical description of their system along with their results. Instructions for submitting the workshop paper can be found on the CHiME workshop website.

2. Submitting the ASR transcripts

2.1. Download the eval data

The evaluation data is available to licence holders from the CHiME-5 download page.

2.2. Install the Kaldi evaluation scripts

The evaluation scripts local/ and local/ can be optained by updating Kaldi ( git checkout ae4292dcfac68372781a265a4cabd1d019b21413)

2.3. Running the evaluation scripts

When you perform the evaluation experiment, please run the following script in the CHiME-5 main directory where you already ran the main baseline script (

$ cd kaldi/egs/chime5/s5
$ ./local/
  • local/ internally calls local/
  • The main in the latest Kaldi also performs the evaluation set recognition in addition to the development set recognition.

Note, local/ is a subscript of, but only performs the evaluation experiment, i.e.,

  1. beamforming
  2. data preparation

    Note that in the data preparation, for the evaluation test set, the reference array ID has been appended to the speaker ID to ensure that speaker normalisation only uses signals from the reference array (i.e., to be consistent with the Track A challenge rules for evaluation data). [1]


    $ head -n 2 data/eval_beamformit_ref_nosplit_fix/utt2spk
    P01_S01_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0000192-0001278 P01_U02
    P01_S01_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0001421-0001481 P01_U02
  3. feature extraction
  4. i-vector extraction
  5. LF-MMI decoding
  6. scoring for submission

The final scoring script `local/ provides official CHiME-5 challenge submission scores per room and session. It first calculates the best search parameter configurations (language model weight and insertion penalty) by using the dev set and also creates the transcriptions for dev and eval sets to be submitted. The default setup does not calculate the scores of the evaluation set since the evaluation transcription is not distributed. The scoring result would be shown as follows:

==== development set ====
session S02 room DINING: #words 8288, #errors 6556, wer 79.10 %
session S02 room KITCHEN: #words 12696, #errors 11096, wer 87.39 %
session S02 room LIVING: #words 15460, #errors 12182, wer 78.79 %
session S09 room DINING: #words 5766, #errors 4648, wer 80.61 %
session S09 room KITCHEN: #words 8911, #errors 7277, wer 81.66 %
session S09 room LIVING: #words 7760, #errors 6022, wer 77.60 %
overall: #words 58881, #errors 47781, wer 81.14 %
==== when you submit your result to the CHiME-5 challenge ===="
Please rename your recognition results
with {dev,eval}_<lastname>_<affiliation&ht;.txt, e.g., dev_watanabe_jhu.txt and eval_watanabe_jhu.txt, and submit both of them as your final challenge results.

2.4 Submit the transcripts

Please submit the challenge system results by emailing the development and evaluation transcriptions named `{dev,eval}__.txt` in Kaldi format as attachments to with subject "CHiME-5 submission". A reminder of this instruction will be output by the evaluation script (see above).

For participants who don't use Kaldi, please also strictly follow the Kaldi format transcriptions for the submission.

We only accept the Kaldi format transcriptions as follows:

$ head -n 10 exp/chain_train_worn_u100k_cleaned/tdnn1a_sp/decode_dev_beamformit_ref/scoring_kaldi/penalty_0.5/9.txt
P05_S02_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0007438-0007909 here's the pie
P05_S02_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0008049-0008251 um uh yeah
P05_S02_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0008325-0008381 see see
P05_S02_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0008826-0009458 oh no i left it on it's preheated so many ideas rush it was egg but then it
P05_S02_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0009552-0010315 um i think these are the joke great recipes i'm like
P05_S02_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0010821-0011018 uh like fork
$ head -n 10 exp/chain_train_worn_u100k_cleaned/tdnn1a_sp/decode_eval_beamformit_ref/scoring_kaldi/penalty_0.5/9.txt
P01_S01_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0000192-0001278 okay so we have this one oh one fried that uh where grub-thief away but that's super easy
P01_S01_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0001421-0001481 okay
P01_S01_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0001845-0002138 yeah maybe we can do that
P01_S01_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0002175-0003003 so then the someone could cut some more likely to
P01_S01_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0003397-0003747 how far so it's been a word you wanna eat it P01_S01_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0003883-0004206 yeah yeah
P01_S01_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0004229-0004740 but i mean we're gonna eat out at the end up and we could also be the sheriff
P01_S01_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0004851-0005553 oh i we do have snacks maybe you wanna wash it do w- wanna once once though workmanship though
P01_S01_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0005892-0006115 oh there's off after
P01_S01_U02_KITCHEN.ENH-0006139-0006239 there are

Please also use the exactly same utterance ID (the first column), even when you change the alignment information.


[1] We thank Dr Naouyuki Kanda for alerting us to the importance of this and for his helpful discussion.